
ULN2003 Perfboard Designs | Stepper | Solenoid

This page presents images and videos about different motor drivers developed to control DC and Stepper motors.

Stepper Motors Drivers with ULN2003

The integrated circuit ULN2003 can be used as a motor driver for unipolar stepper motors (5 and 6 wires). The following videos present circuit implementations with ULN2003 and Arduino Uno or PIC16f877A.

ULN2003 and Arduino Uno

Controlling 1 unipolar motor with ULN2003 and an Arduino.

Controlling 2 unipolar motors with ULN2003 and an Arduino.

ULN2003 and PIC16F877A

Controlling 2 unipolar motors with ULN2003 and a PIC16F877A.

Using 4 ULN2003 and a PIC16F877A I created a Perfboard prototype for multiple applications. In the following video the circuit controls 2 stepper motors. An Arduino Uno communicates with the perfboard to change the configurations using I2C/Serial communication.

Controlling 2 stepper motors with ULN2003, a PIC16F877A and an Arduino UNO.

Since the ULN2003 can be used for multiple applications, and the configuration of the board can be changed, in the following test the Perfboard controls a solenoid. This test proves the wide range of possibilities of the design.

Controlling 2 stepper motors and a solenoid with ULN2003, a PIC16F877A and an Arduino UNO.

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